Healthy Eating, Healthy Breasts

Healthy Eating, Healthy Breasts

Eating for healthy breasts is easy and delicious. It is not about sacrifice or giving up burgers and ice cream; it's about discovering new foods and new ways to prepare old favorites. It's about having more energy, feeling better about yourself, and having more control over your health. Basically, it's about improving the quality of your life, for the rest of your life.

Make no mistake: No single diet, food, or supplement can guarantee you won't get cancer. But if you eat a combination of foods that have been shown to prevent cancer and promote health, you can reduce your risk by at least one-third, and more if you follow other healthy habits.

Fortunately there are many different types of cancer preventive foods available perhaps more than you dreamed. Chances are you're already eating some of them, but you may not recognize them when you look at the food on your plate. Are there avocados and fresh spinach under that blue cheese dressing? Are vitamin-rich onions hiding under that fried batter? Can you detect protein-rich low-fat beans swimming in that beef-laden chili? This step will help you gain a new perspective on healthy foods and expand your culinary horizons.

What We Know About Healthy Eating

The Controversy

Although scores of studies have been done, researchers do not have many definitive answers about the role of foods and nutrients in the prevention of cancer. Many nutritional experts believe, however, that a significant number of Nature's compounds, including vitamins minerals, and phytochemicals, help fight cancer. But it has been difficult to measure the actions of these substances because there are so many variables to consider when analyzing the impact of foods and nutrients in humans. That's why the information in this chapter has been culled from the latest and most respected sources, including the American Institute for Cancer Research and the American

Dietetic Association.

The American Institute for Cancer Research

To make it easy for you to put together your healthy eating plan, here are the recommendations put forth by the American Institute for Cancer Research's Program for Cancer Prevention -t Food, Nutrition and the which are explained in detail in its report ,Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective, These recommendations are the foundation upon which the dietary suggestions in this chapter are based. Although you won't see any radical ideas here, they are universal and the result of years of solid research:

Choose foods that leave undergone little or no processing ( avoid canned, freeze-dried, and frozen foods and foods containing chemical preservatives colorings, and favorings).

The majority or all your food choices should come from the plant kingdom, which includes fruits, vegetables, legumes, rice, soy foods, whole grains, and foods made from whole grains (and not white, bleached floor), such as pasta, breads and cereals.

Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day.

Eat at least seven serving of whole grains, legumes, roots, plantains, and tubers every day.

Afraid red meat. If you do include animal protein, limit it to no more than 3 ounces per day and choose fish or chicken without skin. Animal protein should be baked, steamed , broiled, or poached, do not add fat when cooking.

Limit consumption of dairy products ( low-fat and no-fat are better, but they may still contain toxins) and other fatty foods. The healthiest oils are olive, flaxseed, and nut. These vegetable oils should be used in moderation and never heated.

If you drink alcohol , limit your intake to one drink per day.

Armed with this basic outline, along with the warning to avoid sugar and caffeine, you are now ready to look at these foods and the healthy substances they contain.

This article is not designed as a substitute for personal medical advice but as a supplement to advice for those wishes to understand more about her condition.

About The Author
Annabel Cruz is a researcher into studies of Natural healing by combining both Western and Eastern ways. Feel free to use this article on your website or ezine as long as the following information about author/website is included.


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