The Military Institutes Hand to Hand Combat Training by: Jake Ross

Although formalized instructions in hand to hand combat became a paramount concern to military experts around the world during the Second World War, a person interested in the development of hand to hand combat techniques and training in the 20th century actually needs to step back in time to World War I. Indeed, it was during World War I -- the infamous Great War -- that trench warfare and hand to hand combat became viciously intense and forever changed the face of modern military combat.

During World War I there were more than 40,000 kilometers -- more than 24,000 miles -- of trenches along the Western front alone. It was within and around these trenches that some of the most brutal and horrific hand to hand combat in all of history occurred. In the aftermath of the conflict, the leaders of many of the countries involved in the Great War concluded that their own forces simply were not well prepared when it came to hand to hand combat. As a result, many countries moved to implement very specific hand to hand combat training regimens within their basic military training programs.

As World War II emerged on the horizon, countries including the United States and United Kingdom focused a great deal of time and energy in military training on hand to hand combat techniques. In point of fact, at some point during this period in the United States, the motto that was emblazoned on a Marine training facility was:

"Let's be damned sure that no boy's ghost will ever say, 'If your training program had only done its job.'"

Doing the job -- getting the job done effectively -- included intensive hand to hand combat training. Training in the ways and means of hand to hand combat became crucial. Ultimate military success and defeat of the enemy might well depend on how well soldiers were trained in hand to hand combat during the Second World War.

Interestingly, in the United States (and in other Allied nations), when it came to training servicemen for hand to hand combat, a great deal of time was spent implementing what were essentially martial arts techniques and practices as well as submission fighting skills. These hand to hand combat techniques largely were of Oriental origin; many of these techniques were created or refined in Imperial Japan, the nation that ultimately pulled the pin that brought the United States fully onto the World War II battlefields in both Europe and the Pacific.

Since hand to hand combat instruction became an institutionalized part of the basic training regimen, learning hand to hand combat principles and techniques has remained an elementary part of basic training regimens the world over. Indeed, even in the early 21st century, hand to hand combat training programs are well ingrained and major components of basic training regimens across the globe.

About The Author

Jake Ross is an internationally recognized authority on hand-to-hand combat, martial arts and self defense. Jake has researched a multitude of martial arts from around the world and throughout history, but he prefers the realistic combat systems from the late 19th to early 21st centuries. For more information on fighting techniques, visit

What Turns Sexy Women Off by: John Alanis

No matter the subject it as always as useful to know what NOT to do, as it is to know what to do. I'm here to tell you, I am uniquely qualified to tell you how NOT to attract desirable sexy women. Why? Because I spent dang near 10 years perfecting that art before I stopped doing what doesn't work, and started doing what DOES work.

So, today, we're going to talk about what NOT to do when it comes to attraction. This will give you a handy guide of things to avoid when interacting with any sexy woman.

First off, don't try to impress her by talking about yourself, how much money you make, the playoff game you won, etc., etc. Believe me, she's heard all that before, by men who are smarter, better looking, and more successful than you or I. Instead, ask her genuine, open-ended questions about herself, and pay close attention to her answers. Shut off the conversation in your own head, and pay attention to her--you'll be amazed at how this creates attraction.

Don't ask her if "you can take her out," or if she "has a boyfriend," or if you can "have her number." You're letting her define the relationship, which sexy women HATE. In addition, questions like these activate subconscious processes that lead to autopilot answers (like NO!). It's the same thing as a salesperson asking you, "Can I help you?" and you saying, "No thanks, just looking." Switch the question to, "What specifically are you looking for?" and you'll get a better answer--same thing when setting up a second meeting with the woman you're talking to. "Let's continue this conversation over coffee sometime," works a heck of a lot better than, "Can I take you out?"

Don't shower her with compliments about her beauty, looks, etc.

She's already heard it, and knows you're trying to "compliment your way into her pants." Treat her like a human being, ask her about her hopes, dreams, and desires from a place of genuine interest, not the ulterior motive of getting your hands on her. Although it sounds obvious, this is actually a very subtle shift in thinking for most men--she'll pick up on the fact that you're NOT lusting after her, when every other guy she's talked to that day is... and start to wonder what's different about you. Give her a "bad time in a good way," teasing her about her looks, what she says, etc.

Attraction is a give and take, it has a rhythm to it. Switch from sincere to teasing, and back again--it's this switching that creates attraction.

Don't ask her, "So where do you want to go?" Take the lead, and suggest several places--"Hey, let's go here... sound good to you?" is much better than the above question. If she doesn't want to go there, then ask her for suggestions. Believe it or not, this was a big breakthrough for me--I always thought sexy women would be offended if I did this, but turns out they really enjoy it.

Don't plan your life around her--live your own. This kills more relationships than probably anything else--women want to be with a strong guy, not a surrogate mommy to a little kid.

Again, a lot of these things are common sense, but as they say, common sense ain't so common. Most of us are socially conditioned to do the things I just mentioned, and we actively have to avoid them. I know I do--even with everything I know, I occasionally find myself slipping back into the above behaviors, and they lead to predictable results--the death of attraction.

About The Author
John Alanis is hte creator of the "Women Approach You" attraction system, and also runs the website